Rajiv Gandhi National Institute PG Courses

**Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development(RGNIYD),
(An Autonomous Organisation of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GOI)

Sriperumbudur – 602 105
Tamil Nadu.

Phone : (091)044 - 27162741, 27162612
Fax : (091)044 - 27162705
E-Mail : info@rgniyd.gov.in
Website : www.rgniyd.gov.in

Courses Offered:

M.A.(Youth Empowerment)

M.A.(Career Counselling)

M.A.(Gender Studies)

M.A.(Local Governance)

M.A.(Life Skills Education)

Eligibility: Degree with 45% marks. Preference Given to Social Sciences, English Literature, Management & Sciences in Degree.

Selection Procedure: Through Entrace Exam.

for details visit www.rgniyd.gov.in